
Sharon's Knitting Saga

(2010 - present)

My knitting story starts with a gift certificate to Heidi's Yarn Haven from my husband, Patrick. The certificate was for a knitting class, with Heidi, to make socks.  Certificate in hand and excited about the prospect, I entered Heidi's shop and said, "I would like to sign up for a sock class." Heidi smiled and asked if I knew how to knit. After admitting that I had no experience with knitting, she kindly suggested that I attend her Tuesday night knitting sessions in order to learn. The sock class would come later.  It was a year or so of Tuesday night knitting classes and hours sitting at The Yarn Haven with Heidi helping me trouble shoot my mistakes that I fianlly asked her, "Do you think I'm ready for a sock class?" Another smile and she said, "Yes."

Retirement from a teaching career with Ukiah Unified provided precious, flexible time for me to develop my knitting skills. Over the years I have watched my family be in awe of my knitting projects (dishcloths, socks, hats, scarves, sweaters, shawls, a lined Chanel inspired jacket, fairy dolls and other stuffed animals, and beautifull blankets).  The projects are limitless.  Most of the time knitting is a calming activity.  There are those frustrating moments, but as time goes on my ability to figure out how to correct my mistakes is quite rewarding.  There is always a new project to inspire.

My first project was a sweater vest for my grandson, Linus.  He put it on, wrapped his hands around his chest and said, "It makes me so warm."  Another early project was a red cardigan sweater for my granddaughter, Lorien.  She enjoyed the sweater for years.  At an early age, I took Linus and Lorien to Heidi's yarn shop and she taught them both to knit.  There have been many occasions where Linus, Lorien and I have sat and knitted together.  Great joy!

Knitting is a gift to myself and others.  Most of my knitted items become gifts.  Several family members have remarked that a gifted vest or shawl when worn is like a hug from me. 

I am so appreciative of the oppurtinuty to work with Heidi, Jenny and Clara at the Yarn Haven.  They are talented artisans.  A true asset for our lovely comminuty.  If anyone asks how I am doing after retirement, my response is that "Among other joys...working at Heidi's is a DREAM RETIREMENT JOB."  Makes me happy to be there.

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Within short walking distance, you can also enjoy attractions like the Mendocino Book Company, Schat's Bakery & Deli, and the Alex Thomas Plaza. Popular city events often take place in front of our store.

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Ukiah, California 95482 


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